Average price
Sale, 3-room apartment, elite, Bishkek, Magistral
$ 134 615 $ 1 250/m2 11 428 814 som 106 125 som/m2
This apartment is 16.91% more expensive than similar ads
The price per m2 of this apartment is 3.2% more expensive than similar ads
We compared: 384 ads
Analysis accuracy: high
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Продаётся 3-к квартира ПСО 📍район: ТРЦ Ала-Арча 🔹СК: Royal Construction 🔹ЖК: Royal 🔹премиум класса 🔹S: 122м2 🔹этаж: 6/13 Блок 9 🔹отопление: газовое 🔹документы: ДДУ 💵цена: $1.290/м2
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